Sunday, January 02, 2005

Evolution And Modern Medicine

How long will it be before we have tottally wiped out the human race ??? Aren't doctors already saying that our antibiotics are mutating the viruses ??? If we continue on this course will we just mutate the known viruses into a super virus that antibiotics will have no effect on ???
Also I fear that by saveing lives of people who suffer from heart attacks , cancer , and so on... we are weakening the gene pool ??? Have we in our infinite wisdom slowed or even stopped evolution in its tracks ??? How do you evolve away from a problem like cancer or heart attacks if the weak reproduce and we carry on these traits ??? Up until the discovery of Penicillian we had no way of combating some of these things .... I guess only time will tell .....

1 comment:

Matt said...

I've thought the same things before. It almost seems like the medical community WANTS to slow/stop evolution. If that's true then they would need a really good motive. Maybe they've seen what we are to evolve into and it scared them enough to make an attempt to stop it.