Monday, January 10, 2005

Finally. I Beat Star Wars KOTOR..

Everything I ever read about the game said it would take me 40 hours to complete. I must be a special case. It took me 68+ hours. Maybe I'm just a sucker for anything Star Wars and took my time to let every last moment sink in.

Within the first few hours I knew KOTOR was going to be great. The story drew me in right away and kept me mesmerized until the end. The graphics were great as well. There were plenty of times when I stopped whatever I was doing to stand and gaze at the world around me.

In true Star Wars form the game was cinematic genius. The cut scenes were clever and well acted. When I reached the end of the game Lucasarts' final battle scene had me locked in. I couldn't even blink. All the hard work I'd done was beautifully rewarded.

The Star Forge

Now the game is beat. So am I. I just played the game non-stop from 2:30pm until 9:45pm. My character was an Uber Jedi. THE Uber Jedi. Luke, Obi-Wan.. Obi-Who?! I followed the path of the Light to the tee. There was no Jedi more good or powerful than I. My Jedi had an aura of Light around him like none you'll ever see.

I have a choice to make. Do I play the game over again and follow the path of the Dark? I thought about it a lot while I was playing through following the Light Side. I truthfully don't think I've got it in me. The evil, hateful, and disturbing things I would have to do.. The temptation is there though. Evil does get to have more fun.

In my 68+ hour vacation into the Star Wars universe I never once got to "Force Choke" anyone. My abilities were strictly limited to the Light Side. I had powers that allowed me to Heal and Shield my friends. The most evil thing I could do was sweep my opponents up in a Whirlwind of Energy. No "Force Choke" though.. The temptation of the Dark Side is strong.

As a Light Jedi I wielded two lightsabers. One was the brightest blue you can imagine. The other was red. Red like blood on fire. The crystals that focused each of my lightsabers were the four rarest and most powerful in the entire universe. No enemy stood a chance against my dual flurry.

KOTOR is one of the best games I've ever played. I'll be returning to it again soon. Whether I decide to be Evil or not. I could play that game a hundred times. It really is that much fun.

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