Sunday, January 09, 2005

Donate Now! -- American Red Cross

Donate Now! -- American Red Cross

2004 has been a record year for responding to disasters, large and small. From floods and residential fires … to hurricanes that devastated entire communities throughout the southeast U.S. … and now preparing to support through our International Response Fund, relief efforts for the catastrophic earthquake and tsunamis that stuck South Asia.

Because of the public’s generous support the American Red Cross has been able to respond immediately...

But we continue to need your support in the coming months as we provide relief for victims of local, national and international disasters. Additionally, donations from you and other generous supporters will assure that we meet the demand of collecting and supplying more than 6 million units of blood for over 3,000 hospitals around the country. Provide classes to nearly 12 million people annually including CPR, First Aid and other life-saving skills. Keep military families around the globe connected. And, prevent 1.2 million measles – related deaths by vaccinating 200 million children in Africa by the end of 2005.

Your contribution means we can continue to provide these vital services. Please make a contribution today... and provide hope and relief for tomorrow. Thank you.

Financial contributions to the American Red Cross are tax-deductible.

Matching Gifts -- Your gift could be matched dollar for dollar! Many companies offer matching gift programs that will double, even triple a donation's value. Check this online directory of matching gift companies to find out if your company will match your contribution to the Red Cross. If you have questions about your company's matching gift program, please contact your personnel office.

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