Monday, December 05, 2005

Mozilla Firefox 1.5

Mozilla Corporation - Home of the Firefox web browser and Thunderbird email client

It's been a year since Firefox 1.0 was released and although it hasn't shown it's age it's still time for an update.

What was previously slated to be Firefox 1.1 was bumped up to Firefox 1.5. This new version has a whole lot of new features and security enhancements. You should peruse the release notes if you're still wondering why you should update.

Mozilla Firefox 1.5 Release Notes

Mozilla has a way of coinciding their releases with big Microsoft Corporation releases. I'm not the only one who's noticed this. I just wonder if it's done intentionally or not.

Last year's Firefox 1.0 launch was November 9th. The same day Microsoft released Halo 2. This year's 1.5 launch of the browser was November 22nd. The same day Microsoft released the Xbox 360.

I'm not really sure what that means, but it's worth pointing out.

One big change between 1.0 and 1.5 has nothing to do with the browser itself. It has to do with the website you download it from.

Traditionally Firefox downloads were routed through The not for profit organization set up by the Netscape founders.

This time around the downloads originate from The corporate, for profit branch of Mozilla.

I'm not sure what that means either, but it's also worth noting.

The browser is still free of course. It's just interesting that Mozilla decided to switch domains. I suppose they may be moving in a new direction which will allow them to make a little money. They're certainly entitled to it.

I do not believe any money will be made from users however. I expect Mozilla will just tweak their current policies a little.

Historically the search engines which appear in the built-in drop down list were not randomly selected. They were added through a pay-inclusion system. This would let Mozilla make a little cash to help continue development of the browser.

One of - if not the largest donor to the Mozilla Foundation over the past few years has been Google. I suspect they may have had some hand in the switch from to as well. I don't know why or how though. It's just a feeling I get.

If you've read the release notes, or you're just ready to "Jump In" then go ahead and download Firefox 1.5 now and check it out. All of your settings, bookmarks, and everything else in your profile will migrate seamlessly.

Not all 1.0 extensions have been updated for 1.5 yet. However the developers are working overtime to make sure they're up to date soon. When you install 1.5 it will automatically check Mozilla Update for newer versions of your extensions and apply them automatically if they're available.

Chances are everything will work right out of the box. Developer previews of 1.5 have been available for months. If the extension you like best hasn't been updated to work then it's most likely some lazy programmer's fault.

I've been testing Firefox 1.5 for months and months now so there isn't much new for me. I'm still impressed by the new Gecko engine every day though. I've bounced back and forth between 1.0 and 1.5 a few times. The web pages load much faster in 1.5. If I had to guess I'd say it's at least double the speed of the previous version.

That's all I've got for now. If you haven't upgraded yet then now's the time. You'll love all of the new things, and everything you loved before is still there too. Only better.

Download Mozilla Firefox 1.5

Friday, November 18, 2005


uploaded by CousCous.
I like this picture. I didn't even touch the blocks. This is the way the kids left them.

I was messing with the camera and saw how the sun was hitting them. So I set the camera to Macro mode and snapped this real quick. The way the primary colors and the lighting were I couldn't pass it up.

I'm posting this from my flickr account. It's all set up to let me blog photos I find here with the press of one button. I guess everything's like that these days.

I've been trying to get Hello from Picasa to work and so has everyone else. Google's have some sort of server issue or something though. The Hello service has been down since Wednesday.

I've only printed one photo since we got the camera. It looks really freaking nice though. I'm thinking about printing out an 8x10 here in a little while. We bought new ink cartridges and have lots of photo paper left.

I'm trying to fill space here so everyone will scroll down and see my flickr container I added to the blog. It's over on the right below the Firefox and AdSense referral ads. For now I have it setup to show the last three pictures that I've uploaded to flickr. Maybe when I get more photos online I'll set it to the Flash "badge" which shows a lot more pictures.

Well that's all for now. I hope you like the picture. I have a feeling there's going to be a lot more on the way.

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

A camera and my last few days..

Sorry I've been away so much lately.

My Grandma came up to visit and a few other things have been keeping away from the computer. I had to help Joey out and I've been kind of messed up too. Nothing too serious. Just over-all crappiness.

Right now I'm sitting here in pretty bad pain. My back went out on me at Walmart earlier. I'm not sure what caused it, but I think it was just a bunch of little things all catching up at once. Moving Joey's furniture and stuff was probably the biggest thing though. Then the case of beer at Walmart was the last straw.

My mom got a new digital camera today. You still probably won't see many pictures of my fat ass, but there's going to be a lot pictures of my cat floating around. We got a really good deal on this camera and it's pretty nice. It's an HP Photosmart M415 5.2 Megapixel which is working really good with our Photosmart printer. It's kind of eerie how well the two get along actually.

My Grandma is on her way back home and I'm recovering from feeling crappy. It won't be long before I'm back on third shift and up chatting all night again. I've missed it.
 Posted by Picasa

Saturday, October 29, 2005



This is just a quick post with a link to blog I found eariler.

I was messing around on StumbleUpon and came across a movie trailer parody of The Shining. It was hilarious so I started digging around on their site. Eventually I found their blog and it's full of parodies of different movies.

Check it out it's funny.

Monday, October 17, 2005

Walking Pneumonia and My last few days

Well to be honest I'm not much of a writer so I will just sort of ramble and hope that this all makes sense...

The other night I woke up around 10 pm for work. I had a really bad pain in my left shoulder and my chest hurt a little. Ever since I compounded my spine when I was 20 or so I never really pay much attention to back pain though. So I got ready for work and made it through my shift only dropping to my knees once with pain. Over the last Year I have had a few days here and there where the muscles in my back would basically tense so much that it felt like my muscles were going to rip right off of my bones. I have a bad back and I'm no spring chicken anymore more of a fall duck LOL :) So I wrote it off to getting old and paying for my craziness when I was younger.

After getting off work I was supposed to go help a friend move a couch probably about 50 feet into a garage. The crappy part is I never even got that far. Within an hour of getting off work it happened again my muscles constricted to the point where I fell to the floor in pain. I'm not sure if I passed out or not - basically I don't remember.

Now this next part I must tell you that I do not goto the doctor I avoid it at all costs I haven't even taken antibiotics since I was around 16-18.. That being said the pain spread and my chest became so tight that I couldn't breathe and my left arm was in such pain I thought I was having a heartattack. Basically I was the most scared that I at 33 have been in my life.

I looked at my friend and said words I swore I would never have to say, Call 911.. I lied there on the non moved couch waiting for the ambulance to come - my first one... They came in and put me on oxygen and took my pressure and decided I should goto the hospital cause my pressure was 156 over something or the other. Over a hundred though whatever that means...

On the way down they asked me questions and I ended up with three nitroglycerine sprays under my tongue. At this point they too believed I was having a heartattack - I'm 33... Holy Shit... So I get to the hospital surrounded by nurses and doctors asking me questions and trying to figure out what I was saying because the pain was so severe in my chest and back that I could A. Barely speak and B. I was delirious..

I lied there for 2 hours thinking I was dying. They were afraid to give me anything until they knew for sure what was wrong. Finally some guy takes me for a Catscan that's right I don't have insurance LOL A Catscan with some special tracer stuff through my iv so they can look at my chest cavity better.. After that fun I was taken back to my lil corner of the icu and waited for the results..

After all of this the hours of laying there thinking of people that are dear to me and that I may never see or speak to them again . The doctor comes in and tells me I have walking pneumonia.. Shewwww But It ******* Hurt ! After talking about it for awhile we come to the conclusion that I have been carrying this for about a year.

For those of you who speak to me on a semi regular basis you maybe thinking huh.. Makes sense now I swear that guy always said he wasn't feeling well.... Tada ! LOL :) So anyway I have walking pneumonia and today is the first day I haven't screamed from the pain in my back ... That's where I've been .. Sucks huh ? LOL

Cleaning Metals with Electrolysis.

e·lec·trol·y·sis (-lk-trl-ss, lk-) n:
Chemical change, especially decomposition, that is produced in an electrolyte by an electric current.

That's what I've been up to the past couple of days. Elecrolysis is a pretty neat little hobby. It sounds all scientific and technical, but it really isn't.

I use electrolysis to clean coins. I'm not a coin collector or anything though. I just found a few coins that were minted the year I was born and wanted to clean them up really nice.

I'd heard about electrolysis for cleaning metals on tv shows and in school a few times before. So I thought I'd use that to do it. I started searching around a little and found a great tutorial on the practice at G0 Metal Detecting.

I found pretty much everything I needed to make my electrolysis kit laying around the house. It's just a glass jar, a stainless steel washer, a 12v AC/DC adapater, and two allegator clips. You need water, salt, and lemon juice to make the electrolyte solution when you've got everything else ready. The only thing I had to make a trip to the store for was the allegator clips.

So far I've cleaned three coins. I messed up the first coin by placing it on the positive wire instead of the negative. The object to be cleaned must be placed on the negative wire. When you do it wrong dirt still comes off of the coin, but it doesn't work nearly as well. The coin's finish is pretty much ruined.

When you do it right you'll be amazed by the results. Wipe the coin off with a paper towel or some cloth that you don't mind throwing away. Then polish the coin with metal polish. I use MAAS and it works perfectly.

I wish I had a camera worthy enough to capture pictures of these coins. The camera I've got wouldn't do them justice though. You'll have to take my word. The 1978 penny that I just cleaned for my sister looks like it was minted yesterday.

The thing I like the most about this is that it's fun. The whole process only takes a few minutes and it's really something to see. The coin is constantly fizzing and you can see the "smut" detaching from the coin and applying itself to the steel. What you're left with is a big jar of greenish-black water.

It's simple enough to clean everything up. The grime wipes right off of the steel and your allegator clips. That makes it pretty easy to do over and over again with the same tools.

The AC/DC adapter gets really hot. That's the only drawback. It's pretty cool here in Indiana right now and I'm doing this out in the garage. Having the cool air around the transformer seems to help a little.

If you're skiddish about trying this out then don't be. Everyone's got some kind of metal coins or jewelry that needs cleaned. There's not a more amusing way to do it. You'll have a lot of fun.

Saturday, October 15, 2005

Friday the 14th...

Yeah yeah.. I don't want to be another person complaining about the Blue Screen of Death. I got one similar to the one above this evening. It wasn't the blue screen that made me mad, but it was Microsoft's suggested fix.

Microsoft suggested that I run the XP setup program and place it in Repair mode. I've read this suggestion from them before and ignored it. I should have ignored it this time too, but I was fed up with this particular crash I keep getting.

So I stuck my XP disc in the drive and rebooted the computer. Everything seemed to go well throughout the setup process until just before it finished. The program spat out about five different errors real fast and then finished up.

When XP finally started I was using Home Edition pre-SP1. I knew that meant trouble because half the programs I use require SP2. Those programs weren't shy about letting me know that they were unhappy with the situation.

The first thing I did was run to Windows Update. It didn't work. Internet Explorer just froze up and wouldn't do anything. So I had to end the process through the task manager. I went into IE's ActiveX folder and deleted the Windows and Microsoft Update class files. That did the trick, but I had to wait about five minutes for Windows Update to fully load the first time around.

I thought I was home free after that. I'd thought wrong. The required BITS and HTML update would download, but not install. So I had to find the manual install package on Microsoft's downloads website. Just my luck it required me to validate Windows. I installed Microsoft's Genuine Advantage ActiveX control and to my surprise they made me restart the computer after it installed.

By this point I was pretty annoyed and things weren't looking too good. I went back to the downloads site and found the file I needed again. This time it let me validate Windows and download the installer program.

It worked. I restarted the computer and when Windows booted up it started automatically downloading about ten different security updates. They all downloaded and installed without giving me any trouble.

When they were done I had to restart again. My next trip to Windows Update finally gave me access to Service Pack 2. I guess I'm about back where I was before.

There are a lot of errors in my error log right now, but hopefully they'll go away once SP2 is finished installing. I still don't know if all this trouble has fixed the crashing problem that I was having. I suppose I'll find out soon enough. After all of this trouble it had better work like the day I bought it.

I'll never do this again. There must have been an easier way than practically reinstalling the entire operating system. I just wish the error reports from the crash would have been more specific about what caused it.

Well it's time to install SP2...

It didn't work. After installing SP2 I got another BSOD while Windows was loading. This is ridiculous. I suppose I'll just keep working around them like I have been.

I uninstalled Windows OneCare Live which is a program that I really liked. It was just a little too much for my computer. Most of my recent blue screens have happened while that program was working. I had blue screens before too, but hey I've got to blame something.

I'm pretty sure that my only real hope of running a stable OS is to get a new computer. This computer is six years old and it's just not made for today's programs. The parts themselves are starting to break down and stop working as well.

Oh well. I'm back where I began. It looks like I'll be putting ZoneAlarm and AntiVir back on here.


Get well soon Sean!

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Massive Earthquake Zone in Afghanistan.

I was using Google Earth the other day so I could see the location of that earthquake they had over in Kashmir. As I was looking around I decided to enable the Earthquakes Layer and found what you see above. I looked all around the world and couldn't find a more tectonically active region anywhere.

Each of those red spots indicates an earthquake. The region is located in Afghanistan due west of the Istoro Nal mountains in Pakistan. The faint yellow border you see on the right side of the image is the border between Pakistan and Afghanistan.

I wish I had more time to research this area because at the moment I'm not even sure what the mountain range is called. One of the biggest reasons I'm interested in this area is because these are no small earthquakes. Without getting all scientific I would estimate the average magnitude to be somewhere between 4 and 5 on the Richter Scale.

I have a Google Earth placemark posted where you can download it here:
Afghan Earthquakes Placemark @ Keyhole Community BBS

MSN Yahoo Messenger?

Microsoft, Yahoo to Link IM Networks
By Nate Mook, BetaNews
October 11, 2005, 8:07 PM

JUST IN Microsoft and Yahoo are set to announce Wednesday a blockbuster interoperability deal that will reshape the landscape of the fragmented instant messaging market. The companies will connect their IM networks so users on each can communicate with one another using text and voice chat free of charge.

More @ Source...

I can honestly say that in a hundred years I didn't see anything like this happening. The rivalry between MSN and Yahoo is almost legendary. I suppose they'll both continue to compete with their separate IM clients.

Now that this is happening I wouldn't be surprised to see one or the other client go commercial. The most likely one being MSN Messenger. That would be a little sad though because it's a favorite for many people. Maybe a version will come out with stripped down features, but a paid version is a real possibility now.

It'll be interesting to see how they market this as well. Is Yahoo going to put big MSN logos on their website? Would MSN do the same for Yahoo? I can't see it. They're still rivals and mentioning one portal on another is bad business.

This is a strange development and it really makes me wonder about a lot of different things. How will the clients do it? I imagine we'll need to enter our Passport and Yahoo ID login information simultaneously to be able to send/receive data from both networks. The only other way possible is if Yahoo were to convert all of their accounts over to Passport. I'm not even sure if that's possible anymore though.

It'll be fun to see how this all plays out. There's not a whole lot of information about it available yet so it's probably still some ways away. I'll be ready and waiting so keep an eye out for more posts about this story in the near future.

Squirrels on Crack Update !!!!

This just in an elite force of squirrels known in the squirrel community as the S.O.C. (squirrels on crack) has moved into south London taking up defensive positions..... they systematically go from garden to garden searching for there precious rock ..... Londoners have been seen running from there homes screaming in horror as high elite military squirrels bust through windows and doors looking for booze and prescription drugs for when there coming down ... Fires can be seen raging from the air as news choppers try to catch a glimpse of this amazing event.. Crazed high squirrels can be seen dancing around burning trash cans ..... More at 11 ....

Squirrels on Crack.

From "The Register"
Crack-crazed squirrels terroise South London
By Lester Haines

Stop us if you've heard this one: crack-addicted squirrels are terrorising Brixton in Sarf London in a desperate search for a fix, eschewing their traditional nuts and digging up residents' front gardens in what appears to be a credible zoological threat to the Yardies' hard-drug hegemony.

Yup, crack dealers and addicts have apparently taken to burying their stashes in people's gardens in the streets around the centre of Brixton after a police clampdown drove them from the thriving commercial heart of the popular London district. Locals have spotted squirrels digging in the same gardens, prompting speculation that they are already addicted to rocks and will in due course take up semi-automatic weapons and launch a violent challenge for the whole trade in illicit narcotics, as is the local custom.

MORE @ Source...

It was just a matter of time. I always knew squirrels were going to be trouble someday and now just look at them. It's not like they needed any extra energy.

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Im Back !

haha im back to post more stupid stuff that nobody cares about stay tuned !

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Two really cool new Google services!

Google Talk:

They say talk is cheap. Google thinks it should be free. Google Talk enables you to call or send instant messages to your friends for free–anytime, anywhere in the world. Google Talk offers you:

* Choice: Get in touch how and when you want to–over email, IM or a call

* Quality: Talk through your computer but hear your friends as if they were in the same room

* Convenience: Your Gmail contacts are pre-loaded into Google Talk so inviting or talking to your friends is just a click away

Google Talk is in beta and requires a Gmail username and password.

Google Desktop 2:

Google Desktop doesn't just help you search your computer; it also helps you gather new information from the web with Sidebar, a new desktop feature that shows you your new email, weather and stock information, personalized news and RSS/Atom feeds, and more. Sidebar is personalized automatically, without any manual configuration required (though you can certainly make your own customizations if you want to).

We've also improved your desktop search experience. With Quick Find, you can now launch applications and see search results as you type without even opening a browser. We've also extended our Outlook integration, so you can search Google Desktop with the Outlook Toolbar and see results within Outlook itself. Finally, you can search even more stuff, including your Gmail, files on network drives, many Outlook data types (including Contacts, Tasks, Calendar, Notes and Journal) and MSN Messenger chats. And if you yearn for even stronger security, you can encrypt your entire index.

Sunday, August 21, 2005

The Death Of The HolidayInn Chatroom On Dalnet

Well once again i closed the chat room and im fairly sure irc is done for me .. I dont see the point guys Sorry :) feel free to email me on myspace or find me on yahoo
take care

Sunday, August 14, 2005

Google Store

This is something totally new to me. I had no idea it existed. I found a link to it while I was browsing Google's International Zeitgeist.

Apparently you can get all kinds of neat Google stuff. Clothes, license plate frames, stuff for kids, and a whole lot more. When I first started looking at it I thought it was a joke. It's not though.

I'll probably order some of this stuff. I'd love to have a Google coffee cup and a couple of tee shirts. What else is there...

Bean Bag chairs.. Gift bags.. Umbrella's.. A wristwatch.. A beach towel!

Hacky Sacks.. "Google Goo".. Ooo.. A Google Yoga ball!

Haha.. A Google "Onesie" for infants. Awesome.

Hey.. A Google Mousepad! Cool.. Blogger tee shirts. A Google Khaki hat. I actually need that. Boxer Shorts!! Damn..

I need about $1,000 to blow on Google stuff now. That's just too cool. I hope they have XXL sizes for my fat Googling self to squeeze into.

Saturday, August 13, 2005

Another trick..

Hey everybody.

Notice anything different about the blog? I'll give you a hint. It's small (16x16 pixels) and it's on your screen right now. If you use a Mozilla browser.

You probably got it, but if not check out your address bar. It'll show up if you're viewing this page in a tab too. See it? Cool huh?

I just sat here for a half an hour making that. It took me a while because I kind of had to track down the tools to do it with. It uses up a little bit of CPU which is kind of a bummer. People with computers any better than mine won't notice though.

Hope you like it.

Friday, August 12, 2005

Save The Pacific Northwest Tree Octopus

Save The Pacific Northwest Tree Octopus:

"The Pacific Northwest tree octopus (Octopus paxarbolis) can be found in the temperate rainforests of the Olympic Peninsula on the west coast of North America. Their habitat lies on the Eastern side of the Olympic mountain range, adjacent to Hood Canal. These solitary cephalopods reach an average size (measured from arm-tip to mantle-tip,) of 30-33 cm. Unlike most other cephalopods, tree octopuses are amphibious, spending only their early life and the period of their mating season in their ancestrial aquatic environment. Because of the moistness of the rainforests and specialized skin adaptations, they are able to keep from becoming desiccated for prolonged periods of time, but given the chance they would prefer resting in pooled water."


Hahahahaha... Sorry. I had to.

In TV Interview, Owens Has Harsh Words for Reid, McNabb .. Owens Shoots Down Eagles And Tries To Ruin Yet Another Team

Will someone please have the balls to tell this "person" to shut the heck up and play football ? wahh im only getting 43 million dollars wahhh wahh wahh SHUT UP !!!!!! I scrounge for money everyweek to make sure i can eat ! I Hate you ! quit football your an idiot .... Thats what i would say if i were an eagles fan ... Of course i lost all faith in the eagles when they picked up this spoiled brat ... Not that I ever liked them that much to begin with .. Someone needs to have the balls to just drop him ..... Say buh bye you arent worth the trouble your causeing ! Hey Donovan dont throw that "person" a pass all year .. Seriously .... Your nothing but a child your acting like a freaking 14 year old !!!!!! GROW UP !!!!!!!

In TV Interview, Owens Has Harsh Words for Reid, McNabb: "In TV Interview, Owens Has Harsh Words for Reid, McNabb

By Mark Maske
Washington Post Staff Writer
Friday, August 12, 2005; Page E01

Wide receiver Terrell Owens intensified his oral barrage against the Philadelphia Eagles yesterday, saying in a televised interview that Coach Andy Reid instigated the pair's confrontation this week by telling Owens to 'shut up.' Owens also called Eagles quarterback Donovan McNabb a 'hypocrite' and said he has little or no need to speak to the team's assistant coaches.

Owens was sent home from the Eagles' training camp in Bethlehem, Pa., on Wednesday by Reid after the two clashed. Reid told Owens not to rejoin the club for a week. Owens, who has been involved in a bitter contract dispute with the team, said on ESPN's 'Pardon the Interruption' that his argument with Reid began after he tested his strained groin muscle by working out on a side field at Lehigh University while his teammates were practicing.

Terrell Owens
Terrell Owens said Coach Andy Reid instigated a confrontation this week. (John Ziomek - AP)

'I came in to rehab and we got into a discussion about me signing autographs,' said Owens, who had skipped two autograph sessions for fans this week. 'In the midst of that, he just told me to shut up. I just told him, 'I'm a grown man,' and I told him the same. I told him to shut up.'

Owens, who said he never cursed at Reid, indicated he was summoned soon after to Reid's office for a meeting. At that meeting, Owens said, Reid told him he couldn't run the team with Owens acting the way he was acting and refusing to talk to the assistant coaches.

'I told him, 'My last name isn't Reid,' ' Owens said on the television program, which was co-hosted by Washington Post columnist Michael Wilbon. 'I'm not one of his kids. The last time I checked, my last name is Owens. You want me to treat you with respect, you treat me with respect"
Let me enter something here as well YOU HAVE TO EARN RESPECT TO RECIEVE IT !!!!!

Owens returned to his home in New Jersey on Wednesday. He is to return to the Eagles on Aug. 17, two days after they play in Pittsburgh in their first preseason game. Owens said he plans to return to the team just as he reported to training camp last week, wearing fatigues and headphones.

"My attitude is not going to change," Owens said.

Reid said during a news conference at Eagles camp that he would not discuss his dealings with Owens publicly, and President Joe Banner said Owens could play for the Eagles under his current contract or not play at all.

"I'm not sure he still believes that," Banner said, "but we've said from day one those were the choices on the table, and he had to make a choice between one of the two things. That's not going to change."

The Eagles have refused to rework Owens's seven-year, $48.97 million contract after one season and, at least so far, have demonstrated no willingness to release or trade the five-time Pro Bowl pick. The NFC champions have lost their other starting wideout, Todd Pinkston, for the season because of a ruptured Achilles' tendon.

Owens said he told Eagles offensive coordinator Brad Childress there was no need for the two to speak after Childress was "being spiteful" and "antagonizing" him. Agent Drew Rosenhaus, who appeared on the program with Owens, said Owens is willing to have football-related conversations with the club's assistant coaches in team meetings, and Owens agreed. But Owens also said he needs little schooling on the team's offense.

"I know how to run the [pass] route," Owens said. "I run it."

Owens said he was irked that the Eagles pressured him into signing a waiver releasing the team from liability before he played in last season's Super Bowl. Owens played in that game, a three-point loss to the New England Patriots, after returning early against his surgeon's recommendation from the severe ankle injury that cut short his regular season.

Owens criticized McNabb -- with whom he has had a frosty relationship since Owens took swipes at the quarterback's Super Bowl performance during the offseason -- for saying publicly he had no desire to speak to Owens, then trying to set up a private meeting through intermediaries.

"Everybody is calling me a hypocrite," Owens said. "He's the same hypocrite. . . . I have no desire to talk to Donovan."

Rosenhaus said he and Owens want to work out their differences with the Eagles, which includes renegotiating Owens's contract. Owens said he's indifferent about remaining in Philadelphia or being sent to another team.

"I just want to play football," Owens said. "It doesn't matter where I play. I don't really have a preference. I'll go play anywhere, but I will not go out and be somebody I'm not."

Heres My idea NFL Europe As An Eagle For the next 4 years :) what do you think ?

Thursday, August 11, 2005

Freeky text..

Electric Cous

This is a picture I made earlier. I just thought it was cool and wanted to post it here so everyone could see it. I used a tutorial that I found online to make it so the thing only took me about 5 minutes.

Right now ImageShack is acting a little weird. They've been pretty bogged down ever since adding their new upload tool. I guess people can upload photos directly from Windows Explorer now. It might now be such a great idea on their part. Hopefully the image is loading by the time everyone logs on tonight.

Wednesday, August 10, 2005 >> Lacing Methods >> Lacing Methods

Straight Fashion Lacing

How many possible ways are there to lace an average shoe? This simple question, when answered with mathematics, results in some surprisingly big numbers - on an average shoe with six pairs of eyelets, there are 1,961,990,553,600 ways to feed a shoelace though those 12 eyelets.

It hardly seems possible that there could be quite that many ways to feed a lace through 12 eyelets! So let's look at the mathematics:

* Feed through one of 12 eyelets from either inside or outside. That's 24 possible ways to start.

* Continue through one of 11 remaining eyelets from either inside or outside (x 22 more ways).

* Then 10 remaining eyelets (x 20 more ways). We've only gone through three eyelets and we're already up to 24 x 22 x 20 = 10,560 ways!

* By the time we reach the last eyelet (x 2 more ways), the possible ways have multiplied to 24 x 22 x 20 x 18 x 16 x 14 x 12 x 10 x 8 x 6 x 4 x 2 ways, a staggering total of almost 2 TRILLION possibilities!


I found this stuff yesterday when I was at Joey's. They've got a whole bunch of different ways to lace up your shoes. I'm using the "Straight (Fashion) Lacing" method (picture above). It looks nice and even though the site says it's difficult I didn't have any trouble.

That site was posted by Sara Lane and mentioned on Attack of the Show (*cough*thescreensavers*cough*) the other day.

I got Joey all set up with StumbleUpon too. He found some pretty cool stuff. Like how to fold a dollar bill and make it look like a tee shirt. I tried it and now I've done three so far. The first one was pretty hard, but now it's easy. I should make a bunch and sell them for $2.50 each or something.

Thursday, August 04, 2005

Shakedown Street Madison Square Garden 9/10/91 In Memory Of Jerry Garcia

This is in memory of a Jerry Garcia .....
My Favorite Shakedown Street I Saw From
Madison Square Garden Ny
Press Play

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Have you tried Google Earth yet?

You probably heard about Google buying the satellite imaging company Keyhole a few years ago. Keyhole was a company that launched it's own satellites to image the entire Earth. Their primary source of income was from city planning departments and news organizations such as CNN and FOX.
Keeping true to their philosophy of giving people stuff for free and still somehow getting paid for it Google re-tooled the Keyhole software to enable it to be used by anyone at no charge. The software Google released provides us with higher resolution images than the Google Maps service provides. It also has built in "Keyhole Community" filters that allow you to see place marks that show you where businesses and other points of interest are located.
If you haven't used it yet then you should give it a try. It's totally safe and totally free. The newest version added support for driving directions and a lot of other cool stuff. My favorite feature is the different types of filters you can use.
This time the whole entire world is available to view. The other day I was looking at the insanely crevice filled mountains in Afghanistan and then took a trip to China to check out the Forbidden Palace. Being able to see anything in the world without paying a damn thing is awesome.

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Happy Birthday Jerry Garcia

ok make sure you read my response to this at the end I recieved this via email On JG's Birthday ... Made me a lil upset to be honest .

click here to go to the official store
Happy Birthday Jerry!

Every August, our thoughts turn to Jerry Garcia (August 1, 1942 - August 9, 1995). If you care to share your thoughts about Jerry on our site, please send a message to We will publish our favorites on

Jerry Garcia Band: Warner Theatre, March 18, 1978

We are excited to announce the next release in the Pure Jerry series of live Jerry Garcia recordings: Warner Theatre, March 18, 1978.

The Jerry Garcia Band toured in especially auspicious circumstances in early 1978. They had a wealth of new material from the brand new Cats Under The Stars and were joined by Maria Muldaur on vocals, creating exquisite vocal harmonies with Donna Jean Godchaux. The Grateful Dead had just finished their legendary West Coast tour of December 1977 and January 1978. Jerry was on a roll...

Nearing the end of the tour, the JGB played two shows (early and late) in one night at Washington DC's Warner Theatre. Passionate collectors are well familiar with the late show (circulated on tape from a local FM broadcast). This Pure Jerry release contains both shows from the original two-track soundboard masters, updated in the brilliant sounding HDCD format.

Special Note: You will notice that the cover art of Warner Theatre features a photograph of a unique piece of memorabilia - a setlist handwritten by Jerry. For the first pressing of Warner Theatre, one lucky purchaser will receive a coupon inside their package that can be redeemed for this original setlist from Jerry's personal journal.

Download Pure Jerry

The first five installments of the Pure Jerry series are now available for digital download from If have not yet added one of these releases to your collection, you can now do so in either CD format or digital format (mp3 and lossless FLAC).

We have also prepared a free download-only sampler of tracks from each of the six Pure Jerry releases (including Warner Theatre). If you are BitTorrent savvy, you can get the sampler from or download directly from or


The pre-order for Live at Shoreline DVD ends this Friday, August 5. If you would like to pre-order the DVD and get an exclusive Jerry Garcia Shoreline T-Shirt for only an additional $10, make sure to pre-order before Friday.

The pre-order for the 2 CD set, THE JERRY GARCIA COLLECTION, VOL. 1: LEGION OF MARY, will continue through August 19. All orders of Legion of Mary will also include an exclusive, additional third disc of Legion of Mary - more than 70 minutes of never-before-released soundboard recordings.

Please visit for all the details, including the just announced track list for the additional disc.

Please select express shipping if you would like guaranteed release date delivery. Please note: if you pre-order Live at Shoreline DVD and Legion of Mary in the same transaction, both items will be shipped together on August 19. If you would like to receive Live at Shoreline DVD on its August 9 release date, make sure to purchase it separately from Legion of Mary.

Questions?: forward to a friend
You are receiving this message because when you registered with Jerry Garcia Store, you indicated that you would like to receive information about upcoming events. Unsubscribe
privacy statement | user agreement | terms & conditions © 2005 Jerry Garcia Store

I sent this email in response .....
hey there :) i agree his birthday is special I just hope you don't send out on the 9th more ads to sell crap ..... I love what your releasing as much as the next person just seems A lil more respect should have been in order today and instead of opening up a email from the estate of Jerry Garcia on his birthday to find you profiting on this special day a nice warm letter would have gone alot farther in my eyes ......
feel free to post this on the site lol :) peace
sean mailley

Saturday, July 30, 2005

Florida Museum of Natural History Ichthyology Department

Florida Museum of Natural History Ichthyology Department

This is a great site if you looking to learn about really just anything water related ..... It lists all sorts of organizations out there as well that are out on the front lines everyday trying to save our dying eco system .. I just wish more people would realize how much damage we are doing to the oceans and how its going to affect our everyday lives very very soon ... It also has some great educational stuff for kids as well ... So sit your youngins down and teach them how to preserve the beauty of our world ... It has to start somewhere ...

Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Shark Adventures: Shark Diving, False Bay, South Africa Great Whites Breaching

I have to say that I know this is basically me putting out an advertisement for a company in south africa .. But if there is one place in this world I would like to go it would be False Bay (Cape Town) South Africa .. I must before I die see this amazing feet of A great white shark breaching the water ... From what i have seen on the discovery channel and so on this is a learned response that only happens in this area ..And is only done by about 30 Great Whites that live in the region.. There was a time when I wanted nothing more in this world than to study our vast oceans .. Learn the unknown .... This to me now would be the ultimate .... If i could I would live there and study there behavior everyday.

Shark Adventures: Shark Diving, False Bay, South Africa: "NCREDIBLE ADVENTURES
Life is either an incredible adventure...Or nothing at all
Shark Adventures: False Bay (Cape Town)

African Shark Eco Charters, founded by Chris Fallows and Rob Lawrence, was created to advance the understanding of sharks. Dyer Island, where most of South Africa's Specially designed shark viewing cagesgreat white shark research and viewing was concentrated, was becoming congested. This made controlled scientific work difficult, so Chris and Rob set out to find an alternative venue where they could escape commercialization and conduct their research.

During their search for a new dive site, they remembered the legend of Submarine, a notorious white shark in excess of 6 meters (20 feet), known to roam the waters of False Bay, located barely thirty minutes from Cape Town. They made a trip to one of her favorite haunts, a seal colony in False Bay.

On that first trip they witnessed a shark attacking a seal less than 10 meters from their boat. A great new area for shark research and viewing had been discovered. In the four years following their discovery, they've learned much about the sharks and ecosystem of the area. They are eager to share their knowledge with you.

Dates: Offered any time of year. The best months to see great whites, however, are April through September.

Price: $325+ per day, depending on time of year and number of days

Shark diving at False Bay, Cape TownDescription: 1 to 10 day diving and photographic excursions are available. Expeditions generally start in Simon's Town, where your day begins with a briefing on boat safety and emergency procedures. Just as the sun starts to color the sky, we leave the harbor and cruise to any of the various shark sites around False Bay. The trip to a dive site usually takes about 25 minutes, but this may vary due to weather and other environmental conditions. Since African Eco Charters is one of "

Sunday, July 24, 2005

Shark Attacks in Perspective ????

Shark Attacks in Perspective: "Shark Attacks in Perspective
Great Hammerhead Shark
Photo: © George Burgess
Say the word 'shark' and the first image most people conjure up is a Jaws-inspired white shark devouring unsuspecting bathers while well-meaning authorities and scientists helplessly stand by. Shark attack is probably the most feared natural danger to man, surpassing even hurricanes, tornadoes and earthquakes in the minds of most beach users and sailors. Among the earth's large animals implicated in the attack and consumption of humans, only sharks have not been 'controlled' by man. Even the fiercest of terrestrial predators, the large cats and bears, are extremely susceptible to a rifle and 'problem' animals simply have been eliminated, leaving many of these species endangered. Some crocodilians, especially the Nile and saltwater crocodiles, are certainly as dangerous as sharks, but these reptiles have never captured as much 'press' in part because their populations are largely limited to Third World countries and they, too, are vulnerable to human hunting pressure. The sea's only other creatures with the capability of consuming a human, killer and sperm whales, are not normally considered threats to man. Sharks, on the other hand, have been documented attackers (and sometime consumers) of humans around the world throughout recorded history and have remained relatively immune from human intervention.

Great White Shark
Photo: © Steve W. Ross
Shark attack did not become a subject of particular public interest until the twentieth century. Several factors have contributed to the upswing in public awareness of shark attack during the last sixty years. First and foremost has been the evolution of the press from a parochial to a cosmopolitan news-gathering system that covers a larger portion of the world in a more rapid and comprehensive manner. Increased competition and a shift of journalistic values in certain quarters additionally has contributed to "

Heres my perspective on shark attacks ... Its simple and straight to the point and I truly just do not understand how people can think any differently about this subject ......... They rule the oceans ... They are basically the humans of the sea ..... They take what they want when they want and how they want ..... If your freaking stupid enough to go in the ocean .... Then you should expect that there is a chance of being bitten or eatin ........... How Freaking Hard Is That To Understand ???? Put it into perspective .... Your on a deserted beach .... No Stores ... Blahh Blahh You have to fend for yourself ... A Chicken passes by ...... Should the chicken expect to not be killed and eaten ??Itsts the same thing ....... it really is .........

Saturday, July 16, 2005


The reopening of #HolidayInn on dalnet was met with little fan fair as we just sat there and yapped about harry potter and how freaking hot it is this summmer weeeee. Im still hoping this is a temporary fix and only until PowNet is back Up .. We will see..

Friday, July 08, 2005

Yahoo Sucks

Free Image Hosting at
Ok so at times I can be a great big pain in the ass Im moody and well I work 6 nights a week What do you expect... :) Anyway with our IRC server POWNET being down we have migrated to trying to talk on Yahoo and making a room so that we can chat together Kind of like IRC ...Until I move and get my server going Brian gets his computer fixed and Matt gets a new one lol ... Sooooooooo anyway I can't explain it but you will be talking in this room and all of a sudden you will see your friends go offline on the messenger but there still showing in the room or you try to do voice chat and the ability to hear said voice chat stops after 3 minutes and the only way to get it back is to restart yahoo... I cant do it anymore I just cant I hate it .... It drives me mad in some weird way I cannot even explain and my friends are the ones who are paying for it which to me is just not cool ... So what do I do ? I dunno do you ? I cant use yahoo anymore I just cant .... I think I hate Yahoo more than DalNet On IRC which is actually saying something lol :) So I can do one of two things ... Be a jerk and ignore my wonderful friends until the IRC server POWNET is back up or go back to DalNet so that I can keep in touch .... To a lot of people who wont read this anyway you would be thinking right now well the choice is simple DON'T BE A JERK !!!! :) I agree unfortunately its part of my wonderful disposition ... :) SOOOOOOO I guess DalNet it is .... As much as I hate it I will be there ..... I miss you guys already :)

Thursday, July 07, 2005

Hey Everybody.

I'm really sorry I haven't been online lately. My computer is still sucking pretty bad and I'm not really any closer to getting a new one. I've been doing a lot of stuff around the house and helping my parents out with a lot of things though. That stuff is why I haven't been online. They've been keeping me pretty busy and I'm back on a 2nd shift schedule.

As soon as I get all of this stuff over with I'll be back like normal again. I hope everyone is doing ok. It sucks not being able to talk to you all. When I get a new computer everything will be better than ever though. I'll be able to do a whole lot more cool stuff with the website and stuff.

I'll be back!

Pink Floyd say no to $150m US tour Guess They Are To Rich To Care About There Fans ??????

Drowned in Sound - News - Pink Floyd say no to $150m US tour: "Pink Floyd have dismissed an offer of a US tour worth $150m, reports The Sun.

I thought i should throw in here at the top that though im sure americans would love to see roger waters with pink floyd in a full blown tour WE THE AMERICAN FANS OF PINK FLOYD WOULD LOVE YOU TO COME WITHOUT ROGER WATERS TOO!!!!!!!!!! Rabble Rabble Ok read on .......

David Gilmour told the red-top that the band isn't interested in continuing their reunion.

'We've been offered 150million dollars to do gigs in the States. It's completely mad - and we won't do it. The idea for Live 8 was a one-off'.

There were reports of backstage tension between Gilmour and bandmate Roger Waters at Live 8, making a long-term reunion unlikely. Pink Floyd's record sales rocketed following the event, but Gilmour will give any royalties he receives to charity. He's since urged other performers enjoying a boost in sales to do likewise.

Though seeing Pink Floyd with Roger Waters would be cool They are just as good without him ...
Lemme tell you that this is a great big freaking shame I got the chance to catch them in 1994 In Tempe Arizona and they were just amazing Its a shame people get sooooooo rich that they dont care about there fans anymore it really is :(

Monday, May 23, 2005

These Mobile Posts

These posts that I make from my cellphone can only be up to 150 characters and cost me 10 cents each. What a ripoff. lol. :)


Mobile Email from a Cingular Wireless Customer


Right now I'm sitting here waiting in some doctor's office. They've got some weird chairs here. It's too hot to wait in the car.


Mobile Email from a Cingular Wireless Customer A Great Place For Dave Matthews Band Fans


I have to tell you if you are a dmb fan this is a really cool community to belong to especially if you love live dmb. The people that run this site are great and so are the uploaders and users..... Stop by and say hi my nick is Dra6on :)

Sunday, May 22, 2005

CD-R Dye Types

I was sitting here and for some reason I thought about the dye they use inside of CD-R discs. I figured that one type of dye must be better than the other types. So I searched for CDR dye type with Google. The very first result had a whole lot of stuff about the different types.

After reading the article at CD Meida World I decided that Phthalocyanine dyes made for the best discs. They're the discs that look Gold on the bottom. According to this (shareholder information?) that I found at the Data Storage Associates' website those Golden discs will last more than 100 years. The average store bought CD will only last 5 - 25 years.

Sorry I just thought that was interesting and wanted to share it. If anyone cares about their CD collection they might think about getting some Phthalocyanine CD-R discs. I'm going to see if I can find any place that sells them cheap.

Data Storage Associates - Quality Media

Thursday, May 19, 2005

#HolidayInn Digest


Wednesday, May 18, 2005

PlayStation 3 announced for 2006 Take That Xbox 360 :)

PlayStation 3 announced for 2006 - News at GameSpot: "PLAYSTATION 3 SPECIFICATIONS:

CPU: Cell Processor PowerPC-base Core @3.2GHz
--1 VMX vector unit per core
--512KB L2 cache
--7 x SPE @3.2GHz
--7 x 128b 128 SIMD GPRs
--7 x 256KB SRAM for SPE
--*1 of 8 SPEs reserved for redundancy
--Total floating point performance: 218 gigaflops

GPU RSX @ 550MHz
--1.8 TFLOPS floating point Performance
--Full HD (up to 1080p) x 2 channels
--Multi-way programmable parallel Floating point shader pipelines
--Sound Dolby 5.1ch, DTS, LPCM, etc. (Cell-based processing)

256MB XDR Main RAM @3.2GHz
256MB GDDR3 VRAM @700MHz
System Bandwidth Main RAM-- 25.6GB/s
RSX-- 20GB/s (write) + 15GB/s (read)
SB2.5GB/s (write) + 2.5GB/s (read)

2 teraflops

--HDD Detachable 2.5' HDD slot x 1
--I/O--USB Front x 4, Rear x 2 (USB2.0)
--Memory Stickstandard/Duo, PRO x 1
--SD standard/mini x 1
--CompactFlash(Type I, II) x 1

--Ethernet (10BASE-T, 100BASE-TX, 1000BASE-T) x 3 (input x 1 + output x 2)
--Wi-Fi IEEE 802.11 b/g
--Bluetooth--Bluetooth 2.0 (EDR)
--ControllerBluetooth (up to 7)
--USB 2.0 (wired)
--Wi-Fi (PSP)
--Network (over IP)

Screen size 480i, 480p, 720p, 1080i, 1080p
HDMI out x 2
AV multi out x 1
Digital out (optical) x 1

PlayStation CD-ROM
PlayStation2 CD-ROM
SACD Hybrid (CD layer),
DualDisc (audio side)
DualDisc (DVD side)
PlayStation 2 DVD-ROM
PlayStation 3 DVD-ROM
Blu-ray Disc
PlayStation 3 BD-ROM

Monday, May 16, 2005

To ARG or not to ARG?

ARGN: Rookery Tower:
by Dee Cook

A recent post on the Unfiction forums indicates the start of a new ARG called Rookery Tower.

In 1851, conjoined twins, Eric and Richard, were born to a couple who lived on Rookery Hill. Tragedy after tragedy followed, leading to an apparent climax sometime in the late 1800s, details of which are yet to be discovered. Now in 2005, Layla Hardesty has moved into Rookery Tower and is encountering paranormal experiences ranging from a wandering dishpan to eerie knocks to strange messages appearing in her blog. The paranormal investigation firm called to work on the case is also encountering corruption on their web page. Players are attempting to help Layla and Morgan Paranormal find out the story behind Rookery Tower and the apparent haunting by the twins.

This appears to be a solid grassroots game making good use of free web resources. There have been several puzzles so far based on cyphers, misplaced letters, and other means. So far several players have enjoyed email interaction with in-game characters.

Links mentioned in this article:

- Layla Hardesty's blog (trailhead)
- Morgan Paranormal
- Unfiction forum discussion


This is a fresh new ARG. The best time to jump in is right now, but should I? These things are really time consuming and frustrating. The payoff is usally satisfying though. I'm new to the whole genre as well so my interest is peaked. This looks like it might be an intesting game too.

Sunday, May 15, 2005

Entertainment Weekly's | Poll: Poll: Go to a movie theater, or just stay home?

Entertainment Weekly's | Poll: Poll: Go to a movie theater, or just stay home?
Ok here is my take on why the box office is dying ..... Lets see Crap Crap Crap Crap Crap How many remakes can you make Ohh Im not sure lets remake this remake of the remake .... Who freaking cares if you've seen a movie once you've seen the movie you know the plot why bother ? Here is the pole :

Question 1: What keeps you away from seeing a movie in theaters?
28% The quality of movies — most of them suck
26% All of the above
22% The ticket price
11% People in theaters are rude and annoying
9% The DVD is out in a couple months anyway — I can wait
3% I hate sitting through all those pre-movie ads
Total votes: 10,652
Im not the only person obviously who feels this way :) honestly you know what part of it is is that celebrity and hollywood have become so out of touch with the real world they dont know a hit when it kicks them in the face and then when it becomes a hit they say ooo i never saw that coming. For instance ohh i dunno a movie that has to do with real life ? Also i have a feeling that alot of people are becoming increasingly offended by these celbrities who feel that they need to open there mouths and tell us there opinions on politics and so on .... If i wanted to hear your opinion i would be paying you for that :) Shut Up And Do Your Job We Dont Care Who You Think Should Be Anything ...............You Want To Tell Us Your Opinion On UnderWear hey cool .. lol Shush ............ Most of you are no more intellegent that the rest of the population of the us and money may give you some things but brains it will never acquire ....... Sooooo anyway movies of today are unoriginal just look at the summer line up Remake Remake Remake A Remake Of Part Of a Bad Movie Remake and so on ..... its no longer about entertaining us its about makeing the almighty dollar and that is it ......... We The People Of The United States Of America Demand
Origional thought we always have and always will perhaps you should climb off those money mountains and rejoin us The Regular FOLK YEEEHAWWWW !

Saturday, May 14, 2005

Mobile Blogging..

Have cellphone. Will blog. When I'm not home check this blog for messages from me.


Mobile Email from a Cingular Wireless Customer

Xbox 360 Specifications

2 types of Xbox Live:
Xbox Live Silver (no subscription required)
Xbox Live Gold (subscription benefits)

Features for Gold service
* Also for Silver
# Also for Offline

- Seamless transition to Xbox Live account from Xbox to Xbox 360
- Access to MMOs (additional fees may apply) *
- Free Xbox Live weekends *
- Multiplayer online gameplay
- Avatar for gamer profile * #
- Motto for gamer profile * #
- Personalized look for Xbox System Guide * #
- Offline achievments * #
- Online achievements *
- Access to other players’ Gamer cards via Live *
- Cumulative gamer score * #
- Location/language profile * #
- Reputation *
- Enahnced matchmaking using above
- Skill level matchmaking
- Gameplay style profile (casual, competitive, etc.)
- Recent players list *
- Free and premium download game content *
- Free and premium downloadable movies, music, tv *
- Downloadable demos/trailers *
- Microtransactions *
- Custom playlist in every game * #
- Play music from portable devices * #
- View images from digital camera * #
- Stream media from Windows XP * #
- Interactive screen savers * #
- Track info for CDs * #
- Communication with voice, video or text *

360 HW:
1. Support for DVD-video, DVD-Rom, DVD-R/RW, CD-DA, CD-Rom, CD-R, CD-RW, WMA CD, MP3 cd, JPEG photo CD
2. All games supported at 16:9, 720p and 1080i, anti-aliasing
3. Customizable face plates to change appearance
4. 3 USB 2.0 ports
5. Support for 4 wireless controllers
6. Detachable 20GB drive
7. Wi-Fi ready

Custom IBM PowerPC-based CPU
- 3 symmetrical cores at 3.2 GHz each
- 2 hardware threads per core
- 1 VMX-128 vector unit per core
- 1 MB L2 cache

CPU Game Math Performance
- 9 billion dots per second

Custom ATI Graphics Processor
- 500 MNz
- 10 MB embedded DRAM
- 48-way parallel floating-point shader pipelines
- unified shader architecture

- 700 MNz DDR

Memory Bandwidth
- 22.4 GB/s memory interface bus bandwidth
- 256 GB/s memory bandwidth to EDRAM
- 21.6 GB/s frontside bus

- Mulitchannel surround sound output
- Supports 48khz 16-bit audio
- 320 independent decompression channels
- 32 bit processing
- 256+ audio channels

Source: Engadget and Team Xbox

At the time that these specs leaked out most people thought they were too good to be true. Since Microsoft has made the Xbox 360 public I can now tell you that most if not all of the above is going to be what you'll get with the next Xbox.

MSN on the alert with MessageCast acquisition | The Register

MSN on the alert with MessageCast acquisition | The Register:

"Microsoft has bought MessageCast, the messaging and alerts technology startup that provides the foundation for its MSN Alerts service, for an undisclosed sum.

MSN's Alerts has been based on MessageCast's technology since 2003, but this move will allow Microsoft greater access to the technology, and means the alerts service will be extended to new content channels, the company said."


The blog alerts that I configured through Message Cast a while back haven't worked since news of this merger came out. I visited the new MSN branded MessageCast website and accepted their new TOS. As far as I know that didn't fix the issue. I was assured by MSN that the service would remain free, however I had to make agreement with MSN which allows them to insert ads into the alerts.

I'm sure the alerts will start working again soon. Maybe one will pop up after I submit this post. It's hard to tell. The merger/buyout of MessageCast will have to push through a few bumps.

#HolidayInn Digest

#HolidayInn Digest: "#HolidayInn Digest

New Look! Same Crap!"

haha wow this looks great matt :) good job ! but now it looks kinda like we should actually put meaningful stuff on here lol :P

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Cable News withdrawal Symptoms ie. Fox & CNN

Im not sure how this is really going to make me sound as a person on a global scale. I do care what happens in this world I do want the world to be a better happier place. I do want freedom and peace to prevail. On that note however I still am not watching the news . I will get the occasional blurb of news from say froggy 101 in the Wilkes barre Scranton area or read a little of the USA today's that come free here to the guests at my job. At some points I feel rather guilty I used to know what was going on I used to "care". On the other hand does not knowing every little detail of every moment of this beautiful worlds existence mean that I don't care ? Or that I have finally realized that for me as a person , I can not exist happily with all this information. I have to say its amazing its been around a month since a cable news channel has filled my apartment with gloom and doom and I am a happier person already. Now of course there is the other side to that which I have mentioned before where after being plugged into the world for so long how do I now just walk away from all of it ? I guess in the end its simple I have to for the greater good of my heart and my soul. Over the years as well I think I may have fallen victim to the programming of some of these channels. I used to care what happened to the environment I found myself saying one day hey who cares if they cut down that forest it will give jobs to the local economy of the area. LOL This is true I suppose but a younger me would have been out there fighting to save the creatures of that forests habitat because in the end we cannot exist without them. I have Learned a great lesson over these last 5 years . Mainly that I am not the center of the universe and that what others believe does matter , and that my views are just that views on the a way that I perceive my existence. I realized that I don't like the way I've been looking at the world. Hell I don't like the way I've been looking at my local community I've felt lost and withdrawn to small to do any good. I guess all I can really say at this point is stay tuned... Watch me grow .... Im not going to let things change me . I finally have found the courage to be myself and I will never ever ever ever lose that again. :)

Friday, April 29, 2005

Hungry crows may be behind exploding toads - Science -

Hungry crows may be behind exploding toads - Science - "Hungry crows may be behind exploding toads
More than 1,000 creatures have puffed up and popped
Image: Toad in Hamburg pond.
Florian Quand / AP
The pond in Hamburg where the corpses have been found has been tested, but its quality is no better or worse than elsewhere in the city.

The Associated Press
Updated: 4:10 p.m. ET April 28, 2005

BERLIN - What’s making toads puff up and explode in northern Europe? More than 1,000 toad corpses have been found at a pond in an upscale neighborhood in Hamburg and over the border in Denmark after bloating and bursting.

It’s left onlookers baffled. The pond water in Hamburg has been tested, but its quality is no better or worse than elsewhere in the city. The toad remains have been checked for a virus or bacterium, but none has been found.

One German scientist studying the splattered amphibian remains has a theory: Hungry crows are pecking out their livers.

“The crows are clever,” said Frank Mutschmann, a Berlin veterinarian who collected and tested specimens at the Hamburg pond. “They learn quickly from watching other crows how to get the livers.”

Based on the wounds, Mutschmann said, it appears that a bird pecks into the toad with its beak between the amphibian’s chest and abdominal cavity, and the toad puffs itself up as a natural defense mechanism.

But, because the liver is missing and there’s a hole in the toad’s body, the blood vessels and lungs burst and the other organs ooze out, he said.

As gruesome as it sounds, it isn’t actually that unusual, he said.

“It’s not unique — it’s in a city area, and that makes it spectacular,” Mutschmann said. “Of course, it’s something very dramatic.”

There have also been reports of exploded toads in a pond near Laasby in central Jutland in Denmark.

Horror scene
Local environmental workers in Hamburg have described it as a scene out of a horror or science fiction movie, with the"

EO Newsroom: New Images - Earth’s Energy out of Balance

Any debate or discussion about climate change starts from the basic fact that Earth’s temperature depends on the balance between how much solar energy the Earth absorbs and how much it radiates back into space. Scientists at NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies (GISS) have completed a study of the Earth’s energy balance using a combination of global climate models, ground-based measurements, and satellite observations, and they have some important news. Not only is Earth absorbing about 0.85 Watts of energy per square meter more than it is radiating back to space, but a sizable chunk of that excess energy is “hiding” in Earth’s oceans, its full effect on the climate system still unrealized.

These maps show observed (top) and modeled (below) energy imbalances in the top 750 meters (2,461 feet) of the world’s oceans from 1993-2003. Areas where there was an energy surplus are shown in shades of yellow to red, while areas where there was an energy deficit are in shades of green to purple.

Ten years of observations show that Earth’s oceans absorbed an average of 6.02 excess watt-years of energy per square meter (a watt-year is the total amount of energy supplied by 1 watt of power for a year.) Model simulations are in close agreement: an average of five “runs” of the GISS climate model to simulate evolution of the climate since 1880 predicts that by 2003, the imbalance would be about 5.98 watt-years per square meter.

According to the scientists,

The present planetary energy imbalance is large by standards of Earth’s history. For example, an imbalance of 1 Watt per square meter maintained for the last 10,000 years…is sufficient to melt ice equivalent to 1 kilometer of sea level (if there were that much ice), or raise the temperature of the ocean above the thermocli"

Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Tracks by Mitch Hedburg

Tracks by Mitch Hedburg: "
1. Sesame Seeds - Mitch Hedberg
2. This Cd Is In Stores - Mitch Hedberg
3. Candy Bars - Mitch Hedberg
4. Pop - Mitch Hedberg
5. Business Cards - Mitch Hedberg
6. Three Easy Payments - Mitch Hedberg
7. Movie Pot - Mitch Hedberg
8. Saved By The Buoyancy Of Citrus - Mitch Hedberg
9. Mitch In The S'th - Mitch Hedberg
10. Bed And Breakfast - Mitch Hedberg
11. Arrows - Mitch Hedberg
12. Sandwiches - Mitch Hedberg
13. Houses - Mitch Hedberg
14. The Pipe - Mitch Hedberg
15. X - Mitch Hedberg
16. Teeth - Mitch Hedberg
17. Not Track Five, Not Chainsaw Juggler - Mitch Hedberg"

Friday, April 22, 2005

New Scientist Breaking News - Stink bomb gas puts mice into suspended animation

"Stink bomb gas puts mice into suspended animation

* 19:00 21 April 2005
* news service
* Andy Coghlan"

Suspended animation has been deliberately induced in a species of mouse which does not naturally hibernate. It is the first time such a feat has been achieved, say the procedure’s pioneers.

If a similar response could be triggered in humans, there would be major healthcare benefits and the futuristic idea of putting astronauts into suspended animation on long-haul space flights could move a step closer to reality.

New Scientist Breaking News - Stink bomb gas puts mice into suspended animation

Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Sorry. lol :)

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Monday, April 18, 2005

All new #HolidayInn Blog Alerts..

#HolidayInn Digest Alerts
on MSN Messenger

Every now and then I find something new that will make the blog better. Today I may have finally out-done myself. Probably not though.

I stumbled across a beta service that takes our blog's RSS/Atom feed, converts it, and then delivers it to MSN/Windows Messenger users. It uses the .NET Passport system. It's also free.

The first few times I tried to add the alert to Messenger I got an error page, but eventually it went through. I suppose that's the way it goes with any Beta service. Aside from Google.

To sign up for this site's MSN Messenger Alerts just scroll down and find the link on the left hand side of the page. After clicking that you'll be taken to the MessageCast website where you sign into your .NET Passport. Once you're signed in just configure your delivery settings and that's it!

If everything works as advertised then anyone should be able to have up to three different types of alerts sent to their PC through MSN/Windows Messenger, to their Hotmail Inbox, or to their Mobile Phone/Internet Device. Dang that was a long sentence. The alerts should be instant. When someone makes a post to the blog the specified alert should be delivered immediately.

I really hope this feature works out. For my own convenience if anything. It would be great to see someone else get a little use out of this feature as well though.

Find more information about MessageCast and what they do:

*Update: It doesn't work quite as planned. The alerts will tell you that the blog was updated and give you a short description of the post. However when you click the alert Messenger will take you to instead of to the blog post. I'm working on the problem and will email customer support at MessageCast if I have to.

*Update2: I did at least add some nifty Blogger logo's to the alerts. Before I did that the alerts just used generic MessageCast graphics. There's still hope for this after all.

*Update3: The new Alerts system is running just fine now. Thanks Mike! The links sent both Messenger and Hotmail will now direct everyone to the full text of the updated post.

Friday, April 08, 2005

Fox News , CNN , MSNBC , Your Death Watch Networks ....Shame On You !

I just have to comment on this whole death watch thing ... I used to be an avid watcher of all the cable news channels... I am sorry to say that i have turned them all off and plan to never watch them again .... Mainly for one reason I do not feel in my mind that it is appropriate to sit outside someones House , Apartment , Care Facility , Capital Of Jesus Or Whatever ! ... and wait for them to die .... Even worse , to be so excited about them dying that you report it wrong on several occasions and kill them off before there time ... What has become of us ??? When did we think that this was ok ???? Do you really want one of these stations showing a dead person on the air ???? Is that even appropriate at all ?? Isnt it a little disrespectful ??? It to be honest makes me sick and I dont understand how you can watch it .... How would you like your life to be turned into so sick media watch standing outside your window trying to peek in just so some reporter can be the first to let people know you died ???? It could happen ..... Dont think it can't ..... We have to stop this now before its too late ..... I say join me in boycotting the stations who tell us that this is what we want ?? I dont remember asking for a dead person to be shown on my tv .. And yes i have changed the channel ... FOREVER ! I am boycotting all of you as well as your sponsors !

Friday, April 01, 2005

Gmail storage ticker

Gmail storage ticker

Google is giving us even more Gmail storage space! I just found out about an hour ago. The link in this post will take you to a "Gmail Storage Ticker" that is counting the ever growing storage in your account.

At the time of this writing the account storage is at 1,515+ MB.

Very cool stuff. I'll post more about this when I figure out wether the amout is going to stop. Some people are convinced that this number will keep rising. Forever.

Mitch Hedberg Dead at 37

Mitch Hedberg Dead at 37

Apr 1, 8:05 AM EST

Comedian and Actor Mitch Hedberg, 37, Dies

ST. PAUL, Minn. (AP) -- Mitch Hedberg, a Minnesota-born comedian who worked in nightclubs, television and film in a wide-ranging career, died in New Jersey, his family said. He was 37.

Hedberg, who struggled with drugs and alcohol, died Wednesday in a hotel room in Livingston, N.J.

Pending the medical examiner's report, the cause of death appears to be heart failure, said his mother, Mary Hedberg. She said her son was born with a heart defect and frequently felt anxious about his condition.

Mary Hedberg said speculation that her son's death was drug-related was gossip.

"We don't know that for a fact," she said, but added, "it's not a secret Mitch used drugs. Whether that played a role in his death or not, we don't know."

A hit on "The Late Show With David Letterman," on which he appeared 10 times, and "The Howard Stern Show," Hedberg once was dubbed "the next Seinfeld" by Time magazine. But TV-series fame eluded him because his unique style of mumbled one-liners didn't lend itself to the sitcom format.

Hedberg delivered absurdist, random observations in a spacy staccato. His long, dirty blond hair harkened to the image of a 1970s stoner.

Jokes about Hedberg's drug use were a staple of his act. He took a hiatus from performing for several months after a May 2003 arrest in Austin, Texas, for felony possession of heroin.

Born in St. Paul, Hedberg rose through the ranks at Minneapolis' Acme Comedy Co. and caught his big break through a Comedy Central special.

His rambling, non-sequitur style often drew comparisons to Steven Wright, but Hedberg disagreed.

"If I made potato chips and put them in a can, people would say I was ripping off Pringles," he said. "But what if I put them in a bag?"

Hedberg had two popular comedy CDs, "Strategic Grill Locations" and "Mitch All Together." He acted in the movie "Almost Famous" - smoking fake pot with Peter Frampton - and appeared on Fox's hit series "That '70s Show."

Hedberg is survived by his wife, comedian Lynn Shawcroft, his father and mother, Arne and Mary Hedberg of St. Paul, and sisters Wendy Brown of Woodbury and Angie Anderson of South St. Paul.

© 2005 The Associated Press.

Monday, March 28, 2005

BrainGate plugs brains into computers - (United Press International)

BrainGate plugs brains into computers - (United Press International):

Foxborough, MA, Mar. 20 (UPI) -- A Foxborough, Mass., company has developed technology that plugs a human brain into a desktop computer, the Chicago Sun-Times reported.

Cyberkinetics Neurotechnology Systems has developed BrainGate, a product aimed at enabling quadriplegics to do things like surf the Web, write e-mails, play video games and operate TV remotes and telephones just by thinking.

'We can take someone's thought and put it on a screen,' said Tim Surgenor, chief executive of Cyberkinetics Neurotechnology Systems, manufacturer of the device, which is called BrainGate Neural Interface System.

BrainGate has already been tested on one person, and the Food and Drug Administration has given Cyberkinetics permission to test the technology on four other quadriplegics.

The system requires a surgeon to drill a hole in the patient's head and implant a chip on the surface of the brain area responsible for moving arms and hands."

Sunday, March 27, 2005


Ok... so, I have nothing fun to say. does that make me a prude?... the judges say, "Yes!"

Friday, March 18, 2005

Mozillasoft Firenet Explofox?!

Microsoft Internet Explorer 7.0 Details Begin to Leak
By Mary Jo Foley

The first beta of IE 7.0 isn't expected for a few more months. But information on Microsoft's security, standards and interface plans are trickling out now.

Since it first revealed a month ago that it was pulling a U-turn by releasing a new version of Internet Explorer independent of Longhorn, Microsoft has been unwilling to share many particulars about its forthcoming browser.

Will Internet Explorer (IE) 7.0 have tabs? Will it comply with the Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) 2.0 standard? Exactly how will it make browsing more secure? Will it ship in 2005?

Microsoft's answers? No comment.

Microsoft has shared publicly that IE 7.0 will be focused primarily on improving security. Company officials said recently that Microsoft plans to make IE 7.0 available to Windows XP Service Pack 2, Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 1 and Windows XP Professional x64 users. A first beta of IE 7.0 is due out this summer.

But Microsoft is sharing quite a bit more IE 7.0 specifics privately with key partners, sources who requested anonymity claim.

Sources say that IE 7.0 – which is code-named "Rincon," they hear – will be a tabbed browser.

IE 7.0 will feature international domain name (IDN) support; transparent Portable Network Graphics (PNG) support, which will allow for the display of overlayed images in the browser; and new functionality that will simplify printing from inside IE 7.0, partner sources said. The new browser also will likely include a built-in news aggregator.

(Coincidentally, or perhaps not, MSN just began testing a new Microsoft-developed RSS aggregator.)

Among the myriad security enhancements Microsoft is expecting to include in IE 7.0, according to partner sources:

# reduced privilege mode becomes the default;
# no cross-domain scripting and/or scripting access;
# improved Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) user interface;
# possible integration between IE 7.0 and Microsoft's Windows anti-spyware service, which currently is in beta.

* MSN Quietly Tests an RSS Aggregator
* Netscape 8.0 Supports Both IE and Gecko Engines
* Microsoft Lets Loose a Few More IE 7.0 Tidbits
* Microsoft Changes Course: New Standalone IE for XP Planned
* Firefox Still Gaining on IE

Partner sources say Microsoft is wavering on the extent to which it plans to support CSS2 with IE 7.0. Developers have been clamoring for Microsoft to update its CSS support to support the latest W3C standards for years. But Microsoft is leaning toward adding some additional CSS2 support to IE 7.0, but not embracing the standard in its entirety, partners say.