Monday, October 17, 2005

Walking Pneumonia and My last few days

Well to be honest I'm not much of a writer so I will just sort of ramble and hope that this all makes sense...

The other night I woke up around 10 pm for work. I had a really bad pain in my left shoulder and my chest hurt a little. Ever since I compounded my spine when I was 20 or so I never really pay much attention to back pain though. So I got ready for work and made it through my shift only dropping to my knees once with pain. Over the last Year I have had a few days here and there where the muscles in my back would basically tense so much that it felt like my muscles were going to rip right off of my bones. I have a bad back and I'm no spring chicken anymore more of a fall duck LOL :) So I wrote it off to getting old and paying for my craziness when I was younger.

After getting off work I was supposed to go help a friend move a couch probably about 50 feet into a garage. The crappy part is I never even got that far. Within an hour of getting off work it happened again my muscles constricted to the point where I fell to the floor in pain. I'm not sure if I passed out or not - basically I don't remember.

Now this next part I must tell you that I do not goto the doctor I avoid it at all costs I haven't even taken antibiotics since I was around 16-18.. That being said the pain spread and my chest became so tight that I couldn't breathe and my left arm was in such pain I thought I was having a heartattack. Basically I was the most scared that I at 33 have been in my life.

I looked at my friend and said words I swore I would never have to say, Call 911.. I lied there on the non moved couch waiting for the ambulance to come - my first one... They came in and put me on oxygen and took my pressure and decided I should goto the hospital cause my pressure was 156 over something or the other. Over a hundred though whatever that means...

On the way down they asked me questions and I ended up with three nitroglycerine sprays under my tongue. At this point they too believed I was having a heartattack - I'm 33... Holy Shit... So I get to the hospital surrounded by nurses and doctors asking me questions and trying to figure out what I was saying because the pain was so severe in my chest and back that I could A. Barely speak and B. I was delirious..

I lied there for 2 hours thinking I was dying. They were afraid to give me anything until they knew for sure what was wrong. Finally some guy takes me for a Catscan that's right I don't have insurance LOL A Catscan with some special tracer stuff through my iv so they can look at my chest cavity better.. After that fun I was taken back to my lil corner of the icu and waited for the results..

After all of this the hours of laying there thinking of people that are dear to me and that I may never see or speak to them again . The doctor comes in and tells me I have walking pneumonia.. Shewwww But It ******* Hurt ! After talking about it for awhile we come to the conclusion that I have been carrying this for about a year.

For those of you who speak to me on a semi regular basis you maybe thinking huh.. Makes sense now I swear that guy always said he wasn't feeling well.... Tada ! LOL :) So anyway I have walking pneumonia and today is the first day I haven't screamed from the pain in my back ... That's where I've been .. Sucks huh ? LOL

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