Friday, April 08, 2005

Fox News , CNN , MSNBC , Your Death Watch Networks ....Shame On You !

I just have to comment on this whole death watch thing ... I used to be an avid watcher of all the cable news channels... I am sorry to say that i have turned them all off and plan to never watch them again .... Mainly for one reason I do not feel in my mind that it is appropriate to sit outside someones House , Apartment , Care Facility , Capital Of Jesus Or Whatever ! ... and wait for them to die .... Even worse , to be so excited about them dying that you report it wrong on several occasions and kill them off before there time ... What has become of us ??? When did we think that this was ok ???? Do you really want one of these stations showing a dead person on the air ???? Is that even appropriate at all ?? Isnt it a little disrespectful ??? It to be honest makes me sick and I dont understand how you can watch it .... How would you like your life to be turned into so sick media watch standing outside your window trying to peek in just so some reporter can be the first to let people know you died ???? It could happen ..... Dont think it can't ..... We have to stop this now before its too late ..... I say join me in boycotting the stations who tell us that this is what we want ?? I dont remember asking for a dead person to be shown on my tv .. And yes i have changed the channel ... FOREVER ! I am boycotting all of you as well as your sponsors !

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