Monday, April 18, 2005

All new #HolidayInn Blog Alerts..

#HolidayInn Digest Alerts
on MSN Messenger

Every now and then I find something new that will make the blog better. Today I may have finally out-done myself. Probably not though.

I stumbled across a beta service that takes our blog's RSS/Atom feed, converts it, and then delivers it to MSN/Windows Messenger users. It uses the .NET Passport system. It's also free.

The first few times I tried to add the alert to Messenger I got an error page, but eventually it went through. I suppose that's the way it goes with any Beta service. Aside from Google.

To sign up for this site's MSN Messenger Alerts just scroll down and find the link on the left hand side of the page. After clicking that you'll be taken to the MessageCast website where you sign into your .NET Passport. Once you're signed in just configure your delivery settings and that's it!

If everything works as advertised then anyone should be able to have up to three different types of alerts sent to their PC through MSN/Windows Messenger, to their Hotmail Inbox, or to their Mobile Phone/Internet Device. Dang that was a long sentence. The alerts should be instant. When someone makes a post to the blog the specified alert should be delivered immediately.

I really hope this feature works out. For my own convenience if anything. It would be great to see someone else get a little use out of this feature as well though.

Find more information about MessageCast and what they do:

*Update: It doesn't work quite as planned. The alerts will tell you that the blog was updated and give you a short description of the post. However when you click the alert Messenger will take you to instead of to the blog post. I'm working on the problem and will email customer support at MessageCast if I have to.

*Update2: I did at least add some nifty Blogger logo's to the alerts. Before I did that the alerts just used generic MessageCast graphics. There's still hope for this after all.

*Update3: The new Alerts system is running just fine now. Thanks Mike! The links sent both Messenger and Hotmail will now direct everyone to the full text of the updated post.

1 comment:

Matt said...

Thanks for being so thorough Mike. I'm really impressed with the service so far. I have all the information I need to submit feedback and bug reports now. I look forward to helping MessageCast test this new service!