Friday, July 08, 2005

Yahoo Sucks

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Ok so at times I can be a great big pain in the ass Im moody and well I work 6 nights a week What do you expect... :) Anyway with our IRC server POWNET being down we have migrated to trying to talk on Yahoo and making a room so that we can chat together Kind of like IRC ...Until I move and get my server going Brian gets his computer fixed and Matt gets a new one lol ... Sooooooooo anyway I can't explain it but you will be talking in this room and all of a sudden you will see your friends go offline on the messenger but there still showing in the room or you try to do voice chat and the ability to hear said voice chat stops after 3 minutes and the only way to get it back is to restart yahoo... I cant do it anymore I just cant I hate it .... It drives me mad in some weird way I cannot even explain and my friends are the ones who are paying for it which to me is just not cool ... So what do I do ? I dunno do you ? I cant use yahoo anymore I just cant .... I think I hate Yahoo more than DalNet On IRC which is actually saying something lol :) So I can do one of two things ... Be a jerk and ignore my wonderful friends until the IRC server POWNET is back up or go back to DalNet so that I can keep in touch .... To a lot of people who wont read this anyway you would be thinking right now well the choice is simple DON'T BE A JERK !!!! :) I agree unfortunately its part of my wonderful disposition ... :) SOOOOOOO I guess DalNet it is .... As much as I hate it I will be there ..... I miss you guys already :)

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