Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Cable News withdrawal Symptoms ie. Fox & CNN

Im not sure how this is really going to make me sound as a person on a global scale. I do care what happens in this world I do want the world to be a better happier place. I do want freedom and peace to prevail. On that note however I still am not watching the news . I will get the occasional blurb of news from say froggy 101 in the Wilkes barre Scranton area or read a little of the USA today's that come free here to the guests at my job. At some points I feel rather guilty I used to know what was going on I used to "care". On the other hand does not knowing every little detail of every moment of this beautiful worlds existence mean that I don't care ? Or that I have finally realized that for me as a person , I can not exist happily with all this information. I have to say its amazing its been around a month since a cable news channel has filled my apartment with gloom and doom and I am a happier person already. Now of course there is the other side to that which I have mentioned before where after being plugged into the world for so long how do I now just walk away from all of it ? I guess in the end its simple I have to for the greater good of my heart and my soul. Over the years as well I think I may have fallen victim to the programming of some of these channels. I used to care what happened to the environment I found myself saying one day hey who cares if they cut down that forest it will give jobs to the local economy of the area. LOL This is true I suppose but a younger me would have been out there fighting to save the creatures of that forests habitat because in the end we cannot exist without them. I have Learned a great lesson over these last 5 years . Mainly that I am not the center of the universe and that what others believe does matter , and that my views are just that views on the a way that I perceive my existence. I realized that I don't like the way I've been looking at the world. Hell I don't like the way I've been looking at my local community I've felt lost and withdrawn to small to do any good. I guess all I can really say at this point is stay tuned... Watch me grow .... Im not going to let things change me . I finally have found the courage to be myself and I will never ever ever ever lose that again. :)

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