Monday, May 23, 2005

These Mobile Posts

These posts that I make from my cellphone can only be up to 150 characters and cost me 10 cents each. What a ripoff. lol. :)


Mobile Email from a Cingular Wireless Customer


Right now I'm sitting here waiting in some doctor's office. They've got some weird chairs here. It's too hot to wait in the car.


Mobile Email from a Cingular Wireless Customer A Great Place For Dave Matthews Band Fans


I have to tell you if you are a dmb fan this is a really cool community to belong to especially if you love live dmb. The people that run this site are great and so are the uploaders and users..... Stop by and say hi my nick is Dra6on :)

Sunday, May 22, 2005

CD-R Dye Types

I was sitting here and for some reason I thought about the dye they use inside of CD-R discs. I figured that one type of dye must be better than the other types. So I searched for CDR dye type with Google. The very first result had a whole lot of stuff about the different types.

After reading the article at CD Meida World I decided that Phthalocyanine dyes made for the best discs. They're the discs that look Gold on the bottom. According to this (shareholder information?) that I found at the Data Storage Associates' website those Golden discs will last more than 100 years. The average store bought CD will only last 5 - 25 years.

Sorry I just thought that was interesting and wanted to share it. If anyone cares about their CD collection they might think about getting some Phthalocyanine CD-R discs. I'm going to see if I can find any place that sells them cheap.

Data Storage Associates - Quality Media

Thursday, May 19, 2005

#HolidayInn Digest


Wednesday, May 18, 2005

PlayStation 3 announced for 2006 Take That Xbox 360 :)

PlayStation 3 announced for 2006 - News at GameSpot: "PLAYSTATION 3 SPECIFICATIONS:

CPU: Cell Processor PowerPC-base Core @3.2GHz
--1 VMX vector unit per core
--512KB L2 cache
--7 x SPE @3.2GHz
--7 x 128b 128 SIMD GPRs
--7 x 256KB SRAM for SPE
--*1 of 8 SPEs reserved for redundancy
--Total floating point performance: 218 gigaflops

GPU RSX @ 550MHz
--1.8 TFLOPS floating point Performance
--Full HD (up to 1080p) x 2 channels
--Multi-way programmable parallel Floating point shader pipelines
--Sound Dolby 5.1ch, DTS, LPCM, etc. (Cell-based processing)

256MB XDR Main RAM @3.2GHz
256MB GDDR3 VRAM @700MHz
System Bandwidth Main RAM-- 25.6GB/s
RSX-- 20GB/s (write) + 15GB/s (read)
SB2.5GB/s (write) + 2.5GB/s (read)

2 teraflops

--HDD Detachable 2.5' HDD slot x 1
--I/O--USB Front x 4, Rear x 2 (USB2.0)
--Memory Stickstandard/Duo, PRO x 1
--SD standard/mini x 1
--CompactFlash(Type I, II) x 1

--Ethernet (10BASE-T, 100BASE-TX, 1000BASE-T) x 3 (input x 1 + output x 2)
--Wi-Fi IEEE 802.11 b/g
--Bluetooth--Bluetooth 2.0 (EDR)
--ControllerBluetooth (up to 7)
--USB 2.0 (wired)
--Wi-Fi (PSP)
--Network (over IP)

Screen size 480i, 480p, 720p, 1080i, 1080p
HDMI out x 2
AV multi out x 1
Digital out (optical) x 1

PlayStation CD-ROM
PlayStation2 CD-ROM
SACD Hybrid (CD layer),
DualDisc (audio side)
DualDisc (DVD side)
PlayStation 2 DVD-ROM
PlayStation 3 DVD-ROM
Blu-ray Disc
PlayStation 3 BD-ROM

Monday, May 16, 2005

To ARG or not to ARG?

ARGN: Rookery Tower:
by Dee Cook

A recent post on the Unfiction forums indicates the start of a new ARG called Rookery Tower.

In 1851, conjoined twins, Eric and Richard, were born to a couple who lived on Rookery Hill. Tragedy after tragedy followed, leading to an apparent climax sometime in the late 1800s, details of which are yet to be discovered. Now in 2005, Layla Hardesty has moved into Rookery Tower and is encountering paranormal experiences ranging from a wandering dishpan to eerie knocks to strange messages appearing in her blog. The paranormal investigation firm called to work on the case is also encountering corruption on their web page. Players are attempting to help Layla and Morgan Paranormal find out the story behind Rookery Tower and the apparent haunting by the twins.

This appears to be a solid grassroots game making good use of free web resources. There have been several puzzles so far based on cyphers, misplaced letters, and other means. So far several players have enjoyed email interaction with in-game characters.

Links mentioned in this article:

- Layla Hardesty's blog (trailhead)
- Morgan Paranormal
- Unfiction forum discussion


This is a fresh new ARG. The best time to jump in is right now, but should I? These things are really time consuming and frustrating. The payoff is usally satisfying though. I'm new to the whole genre as well so my interest is peaked. This looks like it might be an intesting game too.

Sunday, May 15, 2005

Entertainment Weekly's | Poll: Poll: Go to a movie theater, or just stay home?

Entertainment Weekly's | Poll: Poll: Go to a movie theater, or just stay home?
Ok here is my take on why the box office is dying ..... Lets see Crap Crap Crap Crap Crap How many remakes can you make Ohh Im not sure lets remake this remake of the remake .... Who freaking cares if you've seen a movie once you've seen the movie you know the plot why bother ? Here is the pole :

Question 1: What keeps you away from seeing a movie in theaters?
28% The quality of movies — most of them suck
26% All of the above
22% The ticket price
11% People in theaters are rude and annoying
9% The DVD is out in a couple months anyway — I can wait
3% I hate sitting through all those pre-movie ads
Total votes: 10,652
Im not the only person obviously who feels this way :) honestly you know what part of it is is that celebrity and hollywood have become so out of touch with the real world they dont know a hit when it kicks them in the face and then when it becomes a hit they say ooo i never saw that coming. For instance ohh i dunno a movie that has to do with real life ? Also i have a feeling that alot of people are becoming increasingly offended by these celbrities who feel that they need to open there mouths and tell us there opinions on politics and so on .... If i wanted to hear your opinion i would be paying you for that :) Shut Up And Do Your Job We Dont Care Who You Think Should Be Anything ...............You Want To Tell Us Your Opinion On UnderWear hey cool .. lol Shush ............ Most of you are no more intellegent that the rest of the population of the us and money may give you some things but brains it will never acquire ....... Sooooo anyway movies of today are unoriginal just look at the summer line up Remake Remake Remake A Remake Of Part Of a Bad Movie Remake and so on ..... its no longer about entertaining us its about makeing the almighty dollar and that is it ......... We The People Of The United States Of America Demand
Origional thought we always have and always will perhaps you should climb off those money mountains and rejoin us The Regular FOLK YEEEHAWWWW !

Saturday, May 14, 2005

Mobile Blogging..

Have cellphone. Will blog. When I'm not home check this blog for messages from me.


Mobile Email from a Cingular Wireless Customer

Xbox 360 Specifications

2 types of Xbox Live:
Xbox Live Silver (no subscription required)
Xbox Live Gold (subscription benefits)

Features for Gold service
* Also for Silver
# Also for Offline

- Seamless transition to Xbox Live account from Xbox to Xbox 360
- Access to MMOs (additional fees may apply) *
- Free Xbox Live weekends *
- Multiplayer online gameplay
- Avatar for gamer profile * #
- Motto for gamer profile * #
- Personalized look for Xbox System Guide * #
- Offline achievments * #
- Online achievements *
- Access to other players’ Gamer cards via Live *
- Cumulative gamer score * #
- Location/language profile * #
- Reputation *
- Enahnced matchmaking using above
- Skill level matchmaking
- Gameplay style profile (casual, competitive, etc.)
- Recent players list *
- Free and premium download game content *
- Free and premium downloadable movies, music, tv *
- Downloadable demos/trailers *
- Microtransactions *
- Custom playlist in every game * #
- Play music from portable devices * #
- View images from digital camera * #
- Stream media from Windows XP * #
- Interactive screen savers * #
- Track info for CDs * #
- Communication with voice, video or text *

360 HW:
1. Support for DVD-video, DVD-Rom, DVD-R/RW, CD-DA, CD-Rom, CD-R, CD-RW, WMA CD, MP3 cd, JPEG photo CD
2. All games supported at 16:9, 720p and 1080i, anti-aliasing
3. Customizable face plates to change appearance
4. 3 USB 2.0 ports
5. Support for 4 wireless controllers
6. Detachable 20GB drive
7. Wi-Fi ready

Custom IBM PowerPC-based CPU
- 3 symmetrical cores at 3.2 GHz each
- 2 hardware threads per core
- 1 VMX-128 vector unit per core
- 1 MB L2 cache

CPU Game Math Performance
- 9 billion dots per second

Custom ATI Graphics Processor
- 500 MNz
- 10 MB embedded DRAM
- 48-way parallel floating-point shader pipelines
- unified shader architecture

- 700 MNz DDR

Memory Bandwidth
- 22.4 GB/s memory interface bus bandwidth
- 256 GB/s memory bandwidth to EDRAM
- 21.6 GB/s frontside bus

- Mulitchannel surround sound output
- Supports 48khz 16-bit audio
- 320 independent decompression channels
- 32 bit processing
- 256+ audio channels

Source: Engadget and Team Xbox

At the time that these specs leaked out most people thought they were too good to be true. Since Microsoft has made the Xbox 360 public I can now tell you that most if not all of the above is going to be what you'll get with the next Xbox.

MSN on the alert with MessageCast acquisition | The Register

MSN on the alert with MessageCast acquisition | The Register:

"Microsoft has bought MessageCast, the messaging and alerts technology startup that provides the foundation for its MSN Alerts service, for an undisclosed sum.

MSN's Alerts has been based on MessageCast's technology since 2003, but this move will allow Microsoft greater access to the technology, and means the alerts service will be extended to new content channels, the company said."


The blog alerts that I configured through Message Cast a while back haven't worked since news of this merger came out. I visited the new MSN branded MessageCast website and accepted their new TOS. As far as I know that didn't fix the issue. I was assured by MSN that the service would remain free, however I had to make agreement with MSN which allows them to insert ads into the alerts.

I'm sure the alerts will start working again soon. Maybe one will pop up after I submit this post. It's hard to tell. The merger/buyout of MessageCast will have to push through a few bumps.

#HolidayInn Digest

#HolidayInn Digest: "#HolidayInn Digest

New Look! Same Crap!"

haha wow this looks great matt :) good job ! but now it looks kinda like we should actually put meaningful stuff on here lol :P

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Cable News withdrawal Symptoms ie. Fox & CNN

Im not sure how this is really going to make me sound as a person on a global scale. I do care what happens in this world I do want the world to be a better happier place. I do want freedom and peace to prevail. On that note however I still am not watching the news . I will get the occasional blurb of news from say froggy 101 in the Wilkes barre Scranton area or read a little of the USA today's that come free here to the guests at my job. At some points I feel rather guilty I used to know what was going on I used to "care". On the other hand does not knowing every little detail of every moment of this beautiful worlds existence mean that I don't care ? Or that I have finally realized that for me as a person , I can not exist happily with all this information. I have to say its amazing its been around a month since a cable news channel has filled my apartment with gloom and doom and I am a happier person already. Now of course there is the other side to that which I have mentioned before where after being plugged into the world for so long how do I now just walk away from all of it ? I guess in the end its simple I have to for the greater good of my heart and my soul. Over the years as well I think I may have fallen victim to the programming of some of these channels. I used to care what happened to the environment I found myself saying one day hey who cares if they cut down that forest it will give jobs to the local economy of the area. LOL This is true I suppose but a younger me would have been out there fighting to save the creatures of that forests habitat because in the end we cannot exist without them. I have Learned a great lesson over these last 5 years . Mainly that I am not the center of the universe and that what others believe does matter , and that my views are just that views on the a way that I perceive my existence. I realized that I don't like the way I've been looking at the world. Hell I don't like the way I've been looking at my local community I've felt lost and withdrawn to small to do any good. I guess all I can really say at this point is stay tuned... Watch me grow .... Im not going to let things change me . I finally have found the courage to be myself and I will never ever ever ever lose that again. :)