Saturday, September 29, 2007

Owing people money...

Five dollarsMonday night at about 11:00pm I became $64.37 in debt to my buddy Mark. He was kind enough to purchase me a copy of Halo 3 on launch night. That kind of friendship is something that money can't buy.

1101811-FullHalo 3 is an amazing game and it's worth every penny. It's a huge step up from Halo's 1 & 2 despite what you may hear from some reviewers. Playing the Campaign online with three good friends on Legendary is.. Legendary. I haven't found an experience like it in all the years I've been a gamer. Matchmaking is as good as ever. Now there's an endless number of playlists and map possibilities.

So I owe my buddy some money, but really I owe him a lot more than that. Maybe I'll buy him a strategy guide too. Haha..

New Layout, Renewed Commitment

Tonight I gave the blog a fresh new layout to get myself motivated to post more often. There's lots of exciting new technology coming out so there should be a lot to blog about. So let's get started.